The remnant of a torn rare Alexandria type Vb interpostal seal catalog no. 229-b is affixed to the back of posta europa post office form number 39. The front side of the form franked with the third edition red 1 para pyramid and sphinx stamp obliterated with ‘vice reali Egiziane Alessandria’ 4 Oct 1876. The front of the form received the day after is struck with the Poste Egiziane Cairo 5 Oct 1876.
The form, written in Italian is an “Acknowledgeme nt of Receipt of Letter” the Recipient is the Khedive Ismail Pasha Tewfik. It declares that a recommended letter addressed from Alexandria has been delivered from the post office”
The lower front side of form is signed by the recipient and struck with the recipient’s ring seal.
The V-b Interpostal seal series is issued between 1874 and 1876, The Alessandria Vb 229-b is one of the very rare seals of this series, printed on purple paper it is highly sought after. ( See our Alexandria V-b 229 collection here)

Remnant of an Interpostal Seal type V-b, most probably that of Assiut(see Kehr cat no V-b 232 ) is affixed to post office form no. 27, dated April 4 1878 from the Assiut post office. It lists six letters found in the wrong delivery mail sac arriving from the Alexandria post office. The form lists the origin and destination of each letter and is signed by the Assiut post office commisioner and struck with ‘Post Khedivie Egiziane ‘Siut’ (mis-spelling of Assiut) dated 6 April 1878. The letters in question should have been destined to Assiut from Alexandria, instead they are destined to England, Rome, Trieste, Corfu, Sira(?) and Paris.